Learning New Things

Welcome to my first site and blog. Well first that aren’t made from a WordPress or Blogger template. As I am a back-end engineer that knows very little about front-end development I decided to use Hugo. The reasons for choosing Hugo are that it makes creating static sites very simple, it’s easy to learn, easy to use and modify existing themes, easy (to some extent) to create your own theme, and it allows you to create pages using both Markdown and HTML. Basically, Hugo makes the creation of static sites dead simple.

For this blog I am making use of the Anatole theme. By going through the source code and Hugo documentation I was able to get a very basic understanding of CSS, which is something I had never had to interact with in the past. Although this was a neat experience, I am a back-end engineer at heart. As such, here are some things that I would like learn or increase my knowledge about:

  • Go
  • Rust
  • Kubernetes

I currently know very little about Rust and Go but see them being used all over the place. Plus they each have their own interesting aspects. While I work with Kubernetes quite often at work, you can never know too much as it is a constantly changing/maturing technology.